Tired of the faded black trim on you vehicle? Or just want to keep it from fading. You are in the right place. I tested these popular brands to see how well they work. Here is the process.
The Process:
PREP: Preparation of the plastic is key. With faded trim there are usually inconsistencies with the color. These inconsistencies will show through even after a product is applied on to the plastic. I use my polisher and a high quality non staining polish to remove all of the contamination and also level out the color differences in the plastic. This gives you the best chance of a high quality look after applying your trim restorer.
APPLICATION: Apply the product on a cool dry surface. Always be sure to look from multiple angles to ensure even coverage and a suitable look is achieved. After a reasonable drying period per the manufacturer recommendation, apply a second coat as needed.
CURE TIME: Always allow the product a sufficient cure tome befroe washing or wetting the car. This is usually 12-24 hrs.
TIP: Be careful not to over polish the plastic as it may smooth out any factory texture on the trim. Always start a project with reasonable expectations.
The Products:
My Favorite Trim Restorer:
DIY DETAIL Restore & Protect 10% Off Code HAWAIIDETAILING Went on easy and produced a matte finished OEM look. The black pigment was enough to hide irregularities effectively but did not produce a ultra black fake look. best all around product in this category. Wipe on to achieve 100% coverage and after a few minutes wipe off excess product. Easy
Honorable Mentions:
Stoners Ceramic Really worked well. Great for plastics that have a consistent color. There is no black pigment to cover inconsistencies in the plastics color. This product did a great job darkening the plastic as well as offering great protection from the elements. If you have new trim and want great protection or old trim that does not have major color variations this product will produce great results. I did well even with color variations but fell in second place in that category in my opinion.
BLAK Ome of my all time favorite long duration tire sealants. Works great on faded trim too. BLAK Is not quite as effective as a true ceramic coating but produces a deep black shine. Keep in mind this product has a bit more shine than the others. This is a great product to have on hand for sure.
Carpro PERL Great water based tire and plastic dressing. Produces great short term results on both tires and plastic trim. 2 weeks - 2 months durability depending on conditions.
Chemical Guys VRP Very easy to apply and looks amazing. Wears off within in about a week depending on conditions. Perfect if you plan to reapply after each weekly wash. Not a bad product to have around. This is one of CG’s better products for sure.
Polisher Best corded polisher on the market for sure
Polish 10% Off Code HAWAIIDETAILING Best polish on the market right now. Non staining and works great. I use it on every polishing job.
Polishing Pad Rupes course pad to cot through the oxidation on that plastic and get a consistant look with the least amount of work.
Panel Prep 10% Off Code HAWAIIDETAILING Works amazing and smells great too. Best out there that I have tried. I have tried most of them and this is what I use.
Microfiber Towels. High quality towels are a must. These towels are softer and better quality than most. These are much higher quality than the Costco ones for sure. I knew what you were thinking. Hahaha
Please let me know if you have any questions or if any of these links are not working properly Jeremy@HawaiiDetailing.com